Sitemap - 2022 - NEWSLETTER " the Astro Journal "

A dormant black hole detected in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Ultra-high energy cosmic rays: the noose is tightening around their still unidentified source

In Houston, NASA is ready to return to the Moon

Planetology: when diamonds fall from the sky

The theory of water coming to Earth via asteroids reinforced by a Japanese study

When will the Sun die? Answers from the Gaia satellite

The origins of the Martian meteorite "Black Beauty

Exoplanets: after Proxima b and c, here is Proxima d

Exoplanètes : après Proxima b et c, voici Proxima d

The most massive neutron star has a big surprise in store

First detection of a black hole of intermediate mass

An exoplanet in the habitable zone of a red dwarf

The Curiosity rover celebrates its 10th anniversary on Mars

Birth of planets: new observations shed light on this little known phenomenon ( podcast )

Birth of planets: new observations shed light on this little known phenomenon

Zombie" black holes: strange radio bursts observed in dormant black holes

Solar gravitational telescope puts exoplanets in its sights

A ball of tangled wires observed by Perseverance on Mars leaves Nasa puzzled

A star fragment in the Egyptian desert

Extremely rare planets among the first discovered

Are we alone in the Universe? In search of habitability on exoplanets

More than 5000 exoplanets discovered and inevitably a form of life somewhere

Is there any noise in space?

The dark side of the Solar System: ice water in lunar craters?

900 years after its first description, this supernova has just been found

First images from the Webb telescope reveal the Universe as we have never seen it

Our galaxy would be almost as old as the universe!

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